RB900SG-ElpOS LEDs operation

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Modem has five LEDs that indicate its operation. The description of the LEDs is presented in the table below.

LED name Color Description
POWER red Lights when modem is power on
NET TYPE green - off: no network,

- 1 blink: 2G network,
- 2 blinks: 3G network,
- 3 blinks: 4G network.

SIGNAL RGB - off: no SIM card, device not registerd to the network,

- RED: CSQ <= 6
- AMBER: 6 < CSQ <= 12
- GREEN: CSQ > 12.

CONNECTION green - off: no connection,

- blinking: waiting for connection,
- on: connected.

STATUS RGB - RED: external power supply disconnected, battery operation

- AMBER: the battery is charging
- GREEN: battery charged.

Plik:RB900SG-ElpOS LEDs.png