RBMTX-Viper Administration

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The Administration page of RBMTX-Viper router is used to configure the router password for HTTP connection and SSH access.

Router Password

In Router Password section you can change the administrator password for accessing the device.

Web systemrouterpassword.png

Name Value Description
Password string New router password
Confirmation string Confirmation of new router password

SSH Access

The SSH Access tab is used to configure the SSH network shell access for RBMTX-Viper.

Web systemssh.png

Name Value Description
Interface unspecified, dhcp, gsm or lan, default: unspecified Set the access interface. If unspecified, device is listen on all interfaces
Port number, default: 22 SSH port
Password authentication On/Off, default: On Set to allow SSH password authentication
Allow root logins with password On/Off, default: Off Set to allow root user to login with password
Gateway Ports On/Off, default: On Set to allow remote hosts to connect to local SSH forwarded ports

You can Add or Delete instance using the corresponding buttons.


Public keys allow for the passwordless SSH logins with a higher security compared to the use of plain passwords. In order to upload a new key to the device, paste an OpenSSH compatible public key line or drag a .pub file into the input field and use "Add key" button.

Web systemsshkeys.png

HTTP(S) Access

uHTTPd offers HTTP or HTTPS network access.


Name Value Description
Redirect to HTTPS On/Off. Default: On Enable automatic redirection of HTTP requests to HTTPS port.

Web systemhttpsaccess.png