RBMTX-Viper Dynamic DNS

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The Dynamic DNS page of RBMTX-Viper router is used to manage DDNS system.


Dynamic DNS version and state can be found in Information section. You can start, stop or restart DDNS system and update DDNS services list using the corresponding buttons.

Web servicesddnsinformation.png


In Services part user can manage the DDNS services providers.

Name Value Description
Status Status of DDNS service (running or not)
Name Service name
Lookup Hostname / Registered IP Service lookup hostname and registered IP address (if there are such data)
Enabled On or Off Enable or disable the service
Last Update / Next Update Information about service state updates (last and next)

User can start, stop, edit or delete the service using the corresponding buttons and add new service using Add new services... button.

Below is an example of creating new service window and table with parameters description.

Web servicesddnsadd.png

Name Value Description
IP address version
DDNS Service provider

After pressing the Create service button, the system will go to the configuration of detailed service parameters (tables below)

Basic Settings

Name Value Description
Enabled On/Off, default: Off Enable DDNS service
Lookup Hostname string Hostname/FQDN to validate, if IP update happen or necessary
IP address version IPv4-Address or IPv6-Address Defines which IP address is send to the DDNS provider
DDNS Service provider
Domain string Replaces [USERNAME] in Update-URL (URL-encoded)
Username string Replaces [USERNAME] in Update-URL (URL-encoded)
Password string Replaces [PASSWORD] in Update-URL (URL-encoded)
Optional Encoded Parameter string Replaces [PARAMENC] in Update-URL (URL-encoded)
Optional Parameter string Replaces [PARAMOPT] in Update-URL (NOT URL-encoded)
Use HTTP Secure On/Off, default: Off Enable secure communication with DDNS provider
Path to CA-Certificate path directory or path/file or IGNORE to run HTTPS without verification of server certificates (insecure). Available only when Use HTTP Secure parameter is On

Web servicesddnsbasic.png

Advanced Settings

Name Value Description
IP address source Network, URL, Interface or Script, default: Network Defines the source to read systems IP-Address from, that will be send to the DDNS provider
Network unspecified, dhcp, gsm or lan, default: unspecified Defines the network to read systems IP-Address from
Event Network Network on which the ddns-updater scripts will be started. This will be autoset to the selected interface.
Force IP Version On/Off, default: On OPTIONAL: Force the usage of pure IPv4/IPv6 only communication.
DNS-Server string OPTIONAL: Use non-default DNS-Server to detect 'Registered IP'. Format: IP or FQDN
PROXY-Server string in format: [user:password@]proxyhost:port IPv6 address must be given in square brackets: [2001:db8::1]:8080 OPTIONAL: Proxy-Server for detection and updates.
Log to syslog No logging, Info, Notice, Warning or Error, default: Notice Writes log messages to syslog. Critical Errors will always be written to syslog.
Log to file On/Off, default: Off Writes detailed messages to log file. File will be truncated automatically. File: "/var/log/ddns/test.log"

Web servicesddnsadvanced.png

Timer Settings

Name Value Description
Check Interval number, default: 5. Minimum 5
Check Unit minutes, hours or days, default: minutes Interval unit to check for changed IP
Force Interval number, default: 5. Minimum 5, must be higher than Check Interval parameter. If 0 - force the script to only run once Interval to force updates send to DDNS Provider.
Force Unit minutes, hours or days, default: minutes Interval unit to force updates send to DDNS Provider
Error Retry Counter number, default: 0 (will retry infinite) On Error the script will stop execution after given number of retrys
Error Retry Interval number, default: 60. If set to 0 it will retry infinite. On Error the script will stop execution after given number of retrys
Retry Unit seconds or minutes, default: seconds On Error the script will retry the failed action after given time

Web servicesddnstimer.png

Log File Viewer

In the Log File Viewer part you can check the current content of the log file in /var/log/ddns for this service.

Web servicesddnslog.png