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The OpenVPN page of RBMTX-Viper router is used to configure the OpenVPN tunnel.


OpenVPN is a virtual private network (VPN) system that implements techniques to create secure point-to-point or site-to-site connections in routed or bridged configurations and remote access facilities. It implements both client and server applications.

OpenVPN Instances

In this section you can find a list of configured OpenVPN instances and their current state.

Name Description
Enabled Check box for enabling the instance
Started Start status
Start/Stop Start or stop the instance
Port Instance port number
Protocol Type of protocol

To enable the instance check the Enabled box and to start/stop specific instance use Start/Stop button. You can also edit or delete each instance.

Web openvpn.png

OpenVPN - Add from template

To add new OpenVPN instance from template provide instance name, choose the template and use Add button.

Name Value Description
Name string Instance name
Template Client configuration for an ethernet bridge VPN, Client configuration for a routed multi-client VPN, Simple client configuration for a routed point-to-point VPN, Server configuration for an ethernet bridge VPN, Server configuration for a routed multi-client VPN or Simple server configuration for a routed point-to-point VPN, default: none Instance template

Web openvpnaddt.png

OpenVPN - Add from OVPN configuration file

To add new OpenVPN instance from OVPN file provide instance name, upload the .ovpn file and use Upload button.

Web openvpnaddo.png

OpenVPN - Edit: basic

There are two configurations modes: basic and advanced. The table below shows how to configure the OpenVPN instance in Basic mode.

Name Value Description
verb -- remove --, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 or 11, default: 3 Set output verbosity. Level 3 is recommended if you want a good summary of what's happening without being swamped by output. 0 means No output except fatal errors.
nice default: 0 Change process priority
port default: 1194 TCP/UDP port for both local and remote
dev_type tun or tap, default: tun Type of used device: tun (tunnel) or tap (bridged)
ifconfig default: Set tun/tap adapter parameters
server default: Configure server mode
server_bridge default: Configure server bridge
nobind On/Off, default: On Do not bind to local address and port
comp_lzo yes, no or adaptive, default: yes Use fast LZO compression
keepalive default: 10 60 Helper directive to simplify the expression of --ping and --ping-restart in server mode configurations
client On/Off, default: On Configure client mode
client_to_client On/Off, default: Off Allow client-to-client traffic
remote default: vpnserver.example.org Remote host name or IP address. To remove the host use red "x" button and to add new host provide the address and use green "+" button
secret file Enable Static Key encryption mode (non-TLS)
key_direction 0 or 1, default: 0 The key direction for 'tls-auth' and 'secret' options
pkcs12 file PKCS#12 file containing keys. Use the button to select, upload or delete keys.
ca ca.crt file Certificate authority. Use the button to select, upload or delete certificate.
dh *.pem file Diffie-Hellman parameters. Use the button to select, upload or delete file.
cert *.crt file Local certificate. Use the button to select, upload or delete certificate.
key *.key file Local private key. Use the button to select, upload or delete key.
proto udp, tcp-client, tcp-server, udp6, tcp6-client or tcp6-server. Default: udp Use protocol

nice, port, dev_type, ifconfig, server, server_bridge, keepalive, client_to_client, secret, key_direction, pkcs12 and proto are optional parameters. If you need to add them, choose the parameter on the bottom of the page and use Add button.

Web openvpneditb.png

OpenVPN - Edit: advanced

There are two configurations modes: basic and advanced. The tables below shows how to configure the OpenVPN instance in Advancedmode.


Name Value Description
verb 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 or 11, default: 3 Set output verbosity
mlock On/Off, default: Off Disable Paging
disable_occ On/Off, default: Off Disable options consistency check
nice integer, default: 0 Change process priority


Name Value Description


Name Value Description


Name Value Description