RBMTX-Viper Static Routes

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The Static routes page of RBMTX-Viper router is used to specify over which interface and gateway a certain host or network can be reached.

Static IPv4 Routes

You can add, edit or delete the route using the corresponding buttons.

Web networkstaticroutes.png

General settings

Name Value Description
Interface dhcp, gsm or lan, default: lan
Disable On/Off, default: Off Disable this route
Target default: Host-IP or Network
IPv4-Netmask default: if target is a network
IPv4-Gateway default:

Advanced settings

Name Value Description
Route type unicast, local, broadcast, multicasat, unreachable, prohibit, blackhole or anycast, default: unicast
Route table local (255), main (254) or default (253), default: main (254)
Source Address automatic or, default: automatic
On-Link route On/Off, default: Off

Static IPv6 Routes

Click the Add button at the bottom to set up more than one action or Delete to remove it.

Web networkstaticroutes6.png