RBVND-Lite Connectors
This page contains connectors description of RBVND-Lite modem.
Power supply connector
Main SIM card holder
External, main SIM card holder is placed at the front of the RBVND-Lite modem (as shown below). To insert a SIM card into the holder, press the yellow button, eject the black drawer, place the SIM card inside it and insert drawer into the modem (you will hear "click"). To operate the module in a GSM/LTE network, it is necessary to insert active SIM card from the network provider.
Plik:RBVND-Lite connectorssim.png
Antenna connectors
SMA connector placed on back panel of device is used to connect external GSM/LTE antenna for RBVND-Lite. To establish a connection with the network an external antenna must be used. Type of antenna depends on network coverage. In good circumstances (level of received signal is high) use antenna which is included in the package. If range of network signal is low or none, an outdoor directional/omnidirectional or indoor (for instance in place where signal range is sufficient) antenna should be used.
Note: If there is no antenna connected to SMA connector, the connection with network is impossible.
Connection with vending machine
- It is necessary to connect the cable for machine with MDB protocol and RS232 DEX(DDCMP) connection to EVA-DTS
The diagram and pinout of the 20-pin connector are presented below.
Pin | Description | Pin | Description |
1 | MDB PWR | 11 | MDB GND |
2 | MDB PWR | 12 | MDB GND |
3 | EXE + / - | 13 | EXE + / - |
4 | I / O 1 | 14 | I / O 3 |
5 | I / O 2 | 15 | I / O 4 |
6 | MDB TX | 16 | MDB COM |
7 | MDB RX | 17 | PWR 5V |
8 | GND | 18 | GND |
9 | RS1 CTS | 19 | RS1 RX |
10 | RS1 RTS | 20 | RS1 TX |
GND – ground. Do not connect directly with minus of power supply input.