Szablon: Web watchcat: Różnice pomiędzy wersjami

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Linia 7: Linia 7:
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
   ! Name za rame
   ! Name
   ! Value dalju
   ! Value
   ! Description oprypion
   ! Description
   | Mode w zagrode
   | Mode
   | Ping Reboot: Reboot this device if a ping to a specified host fails for a specified duration of time.
   | Ping Reboot: Reboot this device if a ping to a specified host fails for a specified duration of time.
Linia 17: Linia 17:
Restart Interface: Restart a network interface if a ping to a specified host fails for a specified duration of time.
Restart Interface: Restart a network interface if a ping to a specified host fails for a specified duration of time.
   | Period sreriod
   | Period
   | In Periodic Reboot mode, it defines how often to reboot.
   | In Periodic Reboot mode, it defines how often to reboot.

Wersja z 15:14, 14 lis 2022

The Watchcat page of {{{model}}} router is used to set several checks and actions to take in the event that a host becomes unreachable. These rules will govern how this device reacts to network events.

Watchcat - General Settings

Click the Add button at the bottom to set up more than one action or Delete to remove it.

Name Value Description
Mode Ping Reboot: Reboot this device if a ping to a specified host fails for a specified duration of time.

Periodic Reboot: Reboot this device after a specified interval of time. Restart Interface: Restart a network interface if a ping to a specified host fails for a specified duration of time.

Period In Periodic Reboot mode, it defines how often to reboot.

In Ping Reboot mode, it defines the longest period of time without a reply from the Host To Check before a reboot is engaged. In Network Restart mode, it defines the longest period of time without a reply from the Host to Check before the interface is restarted.

The default unit is seconds, without a suffix, but you can use the suffix m for minutes, h for hours or d for days.

Examples: 10 seconds would be: 10 or 10s 5 minutes would be: 5m 1 hour would be: 1h 1 week would be: 7d

Host To Check IPv4 address or hostname to ping.
Check Interval How often to ping the host specified above.

The default unit is seconds, without a suffix, but you can use the suffix m for minutes, h for hours or d for days.

Examples: 10 seconds would be: 10 or 10s 5 minutes would be: 5m 1 hour would be: 1h 1 week would be: 7d

Ping Packet Size Small: 1 byte, Windows: 32 bytes, Standard: 56 bytes, Big: 248 bytes, Huge: 1492 bytes or Jumbo: 9000 bytes, default: Standard: 56 bytes
Force Reboot Delay number, default: 30 Applies to Ping Reboot and Periodic Reboot modes

When rebooting the router, the service will trigger a soft reboot. Entering a non-zero value here will trigger a delayed hard reboot if the soft reboot were to fail. Enter the number of seconds to wait for the soft reboot to fail or use 0 to disable the forced reboot delay.

Interface br-lan, eth0, wwan0, dhcp, gsm or lan, default: gsm Interface to monitor and/or restart

Web serviceswatchcat.png

[[Category:{{{model}}} User Manual]]