Szablon: Webnative ptp: Różnice pomiędzy wersjami

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Linia 159: Linia 159:
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
   ! Name
   ! Direction
   ! Port
   | PTP Event In
   | In
   | 319
   | PTP Event Out
   | Out
   | 319
   | PTP General In
   | In
   | 320
   | PTP General Out
   | Out
   | 320

Wersja z 14:38, 18 maj 2023

The PTP page of {{{model}}} time server is used to configure and run PTP protocol.

Switching on PTP enables PTP grandmaster daemon.

Webnative ptp.png

PTP options

Option name Value type/possible values Description
PTP Disabled/Grandmaster/Slave Enabled PTP as Master/Slave.
PTP Options
Domain number Number [0...255] A domain does define the scope of PTP message communication, state, operations, data sets, and timescale. Devices synchronize only to PTP devices within same domain. Multiple domains mayy be used in signle network.
Profile IEEE1588/802.1AS Defines whether synchronization is performed using standard PTP (IEEE1588) or gPTP (802.1AS).
Transport layer L2/L4 L2 (Ethernet): PTP packets are encapsulated directly in Ethernet frames (IEEE 802.3 network transport)

L4 (UDP): PTP packets are exchanged over UDP/IPv4

IP mode multicast/unicast/hybrid
Delay mechanism E2E/P2P E2E: Delay is measured end-to-end. Delay is calculated for the whole path

P2P: Delay is measured peer-to-peer. If transparent clocks are present in a network, they need to support peer-delay mechanism (and have it enabled)

gPTP Slave type Slave-only/Master-capable Defines whether gPTP Slave device may become a Master in the network in case there is no other available. Cannot become Grandmaster.
PTP Master configuration
Priority1 Number [0...255] The attribute priority1 is used in the execution of the best master clock algorithm. Lower values take precedence. This is primarily checked field in best master clock algorithm.
Priority2 Number [0...255] The attribute priority2 is used in the execution of the best master clock algorithm. Lower values take precedence. This field is after clock class, accuracy and variance.
Sync interval Number (log2) [-7...7] (recommended [-3...3]) Interval for PTP Sync messages to be sent.

Unit used is log2 (logarithm 2), e.g. -4: 62.5ms (1/16 s) -3: 125ms (1/8 s) -2: 250ms (1/4 s) -1: 0.5s (1/2 s) 0: 1 second (typical interval) 1: 2 seconds (default) 2: 4 seconds 3: 8 seconds 4: 16 seconds NOTE: Editing this and following attributes must be done with caution.

Announce interval Number (log2) Interval for PTP Announce messages to be sent.
Min Delay Request Interval Number (log2) Interval for PTP Delay_Request messages to be sent to host.
Min pDelay Request Interval Number (log2) Interval for PTP Peer_Delay_Request messages to be sent to host.
Sync receipt timeout Number (log2) Timeout value of PTP Sync messages. Defines for how long obtained time is marked as valid.
PTP Grandmaster dataset
Grandmaster dataset mode Auto/Manual Allows selection between constant UTC-TAI offset and automatically calculated measured one. Usage of this (manual) is for testing purposes mostly.
UTC Offset Valid Valid/Invalid Allows to mark whether custom UTC-TAI offset shall be marked as valid.
UTC offset Number Defines custom UTC-TAI offset if used.

Additional settings (available via SSH only):

PTP client implementation on Windows 10 and Server 2019


PTP client is supported on Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019. At least 1809 update version must be installed on the system

Implementation procedure

First add the PtPClient registry key to your Windows register. Already prepared file can be downloaded in [[{{{model}}} Download Zone]].

Change the registry keys to configure PTP and disable other client providers (NTP, VMIC etc.). Please modify the below root keys manually:


Name Value
PtPMasters IP of NTS-pico3, default:
EnableMulticastRx 0


Name Value
Enabled 0


Name Value
Enabled 0

Then restart the Windows Time Service. You can do this by pressing Win + R keys, type services.msc and right click on W32tm (Windows Time) service -> Restart.

After W32tm restarting, create the rules in firewall to allow the PTP Client to communicate with the time server (UDP protocol):

Name Direction Port
PTP Event In In 319
PTP Event Out Out 319
PTP General In In 320
PTP General Out Out 320

Verify if PTP Time Provider is enabled using w32tm /query /configuration command. Then verify that the system is synchronizing with PTP Source Server using w32tm /query /status /verbose command. The output should be as below:

Webnative ptp.png

ReferenceId: 0x4D505450 indicates that the PTP provider is in use.

[[Category:{{{model}}} User Manual]]