Szablon: Web aclsettings: Różnice pomiędzy wersjami

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You can access level for each ACL group, e.g. full access for allow-full-uci-access group to allow full UCI access for legacy applications.
You can set access level for each ACL group, e.g. full access for allow-full-uci-access group to allow full UCI access for legacy applications.


[[Category:{{{model}}} User Manual]]
[[Category:{{{model}}} User Manual]]

Wersja z 15:00, 25 kwi 2024

The ACL settings page of {{{model}}} {{{type}}} is used to custimize LuCI logins.

LuCI Logins

Default login of the {{{model}}} {{{type}}} is root. Details of the root access:

Name Value
Login name root
Session timeout 300s
Read access Full
Write access Full

Web systemlucilogins.png

Here you can add, edit or delete logins. To add new login fill the parameters in New account page:

Name Value Description
Login name String
Password variant Use encrypted password hash or Use UNIX password in /etc/shadow
UNIX account root, daemon, ftp, network, nobody, ntp, dnsmasq, logd, mosquitto or ubus The system account to use the password from
Session timeout Number
Access level individual, full or readonly

You can set access level for each ACL group, e.g. full access for allow-full-uci-access group to allow full UCI access for legacy applications.

Web systemluciloginsadd.png

[[Category:{{{model}}} User Manual]]