Szablon: Textcommands: Różnice pomiędzy wersjami

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Linia 77: Linia 77:
   | Response
   | Response
   | ------------------------------------------------------
   | ------------------------------------------------------
Sep 12:30:05 - x.x.x<CR><LF>
Sep 12:30:05 - x.x.x<CR><LF><br>
Sep 12:30:08 - SIM ready<CR><LF>
Sep 12:30:08 - SIM ready<CR><LF><br>
Sep 12:30:09 - Cfg port opened<CR><LF>
Sep 12:30:09 - Cfg port opened<CR><LF><br>
Sep 12:30:11 - PDP activated<CR><LF>
Sep 12:30:11 - PDP activated<CR><LF>
   | Response example
   | Response example
   | ------------------------------------------------------
   | ------------------------------------------------------
Sep 12:30:05 - x.x.x<CR><LF>
Sep 12:30:05 - x.x.x<CR><LF><br>
Sep 12:30:08 - SIM ready<CR><LF>
Sep 12:30:08 - SIM ready<CR><LF><br>
Sep 12:30:09 - Cfg port opened<CR><LF>
Sep 12:30:09 - Cfg port opened<CR><LF><br>
Sep 12:30:11 - PDP activated<CR><LF>
Sep 12:30:11 - PDP activated<CR><LF><br>
Sep 12:30:12 - IP:
Sep 12:30:12 - IP:<br>
Sep 12:30:14 - Sync to NTP
Sep 12:30:14 - Sync to NTP
Linia 178: Linia 178:
   | <b>PHONE ALLOWLIST ADD <phone_number><CR><LF></b>
   | <b>PHONE ALLOWLIST ADD <phone_number><CR><LF></b>
   | Adds a <phone_number> to the allowlist
   | Adds a <phone_number> to the allowlist
<phone_number> - phone numer in national or international format
<phone_number> - phone numer in national or international format<br>
NOTE: it is recomended to add the numer in national and international format separately (without and with the area code)
NOTE: it is recomended to add the numer in national and international format separately (without and with the area code)
Linia 190: Linia 190:
   | <b>PHONE ALLOWLIST REMOVE <phone_number><CR><LF></b>
   | <b>PHONE ALLOWLIST REMOVE <phone_number><CR><LF></b>
   | Removes the given <phone_number> from the allowlist
   | Removes the given <phone_number> from the allowlist
<phone_number> - phone numer in national or international format
<phone_number> - phone numer in national or international format
Linia 218: Linia 218:
   | <b>CONFIG SET APN <apn> <username> <password><CR><LF></b>
   | <b>CONFIG SET APN <apn> <username> <password><CR><LF></b>
   | Sets <apn>
   | Sets <apn>
<apn> - string with Access Point Name
<apn> - string with Access Point Name<br>
<username> - apn username (optional)
<username> - apn username (optional)<br>
<password> - apn password (optional)
<password> - apn password (optional)
Linia 239: Linia 239:
internet username password<CR><LF>
internet username password<CR><LF>
internet is <apn>
internet is <apn>
username is <username>
username is <username>
Linia 246: Linia 246:
   | <b>CONFIG SET TCP PORTS <data_port> <config_port><CR><LF></b>
   | <b>CONFIG SET TCP PORTS <data_port> <config_port><CR><LF></b>
   | Sets TCP ports (data and config)
   | Sets TCP ports (data and config)
<data_port> - TCP data port (range from 0 to 65535)
<data_port> - TCP data port (range from 0 to 65535)
<config_port> - TCP port for remote configuration (range from 0 to 65535)
<config_port> - TCP port for remote configuration (range from 0 to 65535)
Linia 264: Linia 264:
   | Response example
   | Response example
   | 703 704<CR><LF>
   | 703 704<CR><LF>
703 is <data_port> and 704 is <config_port>
703 is <data_port> and 704 is <config_port>
   | <b>CONFIG SET SIM PIN <pin><CR><LF></b>
   | <b>CONFIG SET SIM PIN <pin><CR><LF></b>
   | Sets the PIN code of the SIM card
   | Sets the PIN code of the SIM card
<pin> - PIN code of the SIM card (range from 0000 to 9999)
<pin> - PIN code of the SIM card (range from 0000 to 9999)
Linia 289: Linia 289:
   | <b>CONFIG SET ANTENNA <type><CR><LF></b>
   | <b>CONFIG SET ANTENNA <type><CR><LF></b>
   | Sets the antenna to external or internal <type>
   | Sets the antenna to external or internal <type>
<type> - type of antenna, options:
<type> - type of antenna, options:<br>
Linia 311: Linia 311:
   | <b>CONFIG SET PERIODIC REBOOT <time> <start_time><CR><LF></b>
   | <b>CONFIG SET PERIODIC REBOOT <time> <start_time><CR><LF></b>
   | Sets the periodic restart time
   | Sets the periodic restart time
<time> - restart time in hours (from 0 to 8760). When it is set to 0, the device will not perform periodic reboot
<time> - restart time in hours (from 0 to 8760). When it is set to 0, the device will not perform periodic reboot<br>
<start_time> - Unix time* - optional. If it is ommited, <start_time> equals device startup time
<start_time> - Unix time* - optional. If it is ommited, <start_time> equals device startup time<br>
* - there will be added also the HH:MM format option (under development)
* - there will be added also the HH:MM format option (under development)
Linia 331: Linia 331:
   | Response example
   | Response example
   | 1 1619515560<CR><LF>*
   | 1 1619515560<CR><LF>*
1 is <time>
1 is <time><br>
1619515560 is <start_time>
1619515560 is <start_time><br>
* - there will be added also 1 10:30 format option (under development)
* - there will be added also 1 10:30 format option (under development)
   | <b>CONFIG SET UART <configuration><CR><LF></b>
   | <b>CONFIG SET UART <configuration><CR><LF></b>
   | Configures UART
   | Configures UART
<configuration> - configuration string in the format xxxx abc where xxxx = baudrate, a = start bits, b = parity, c = stop bits
<configuration> - configuration string in the format xxxx abc where xxxx = baudrate, a = start bits, b = parity, c = stop bits
Linia 355: Linia 355:
   | Response example
   | Response example
   | 9600 8N1<CR><LF>
   | 9600 8N1<CR><LF>
9600 is baudrate
9600 is baudrate<br>
8 is start bits
8 is start bits<br>
N is parity
N is parity<br>
1 is stop bits
1 is stop bits
   | <b>CONFIG SET TEXT INFO 1 <data><CR><LF></b>
   | <b>CONFIG SET TEXT INFO 1 <data><CR><LF></b>
   | Sets text information
   | Sets text information
<data> - string with additional comment (up to 128 characters)
<data> - string with additional comment (up to 128 characters)
Linia 383: Linia 383:
   | <b>CONFIG SET RTC SOURCE <source><CR><LF></b>
   | <b>CONFIG SET RTC SOURCE <source><CR><LF></b>
   | Sets the internal clock sync source
   | Sets the internal clock sync source
<source> - clock source, options:
<source> - clock source, options:<br>
<b>GSM</b> (time from GSM network)<br>
(time from GSM network)
<b>NTP ntp_addr ntp_port</b><br>
<b>NTP ntp_addr ntp_port</b>
(time from NTP server, ntp_addr – string with NTP server address, ntp_port – NTP port (range from 0 to 65535), optional, usually 123)
(time from NTP server, ntp_addr – string with NTP server address, ntp_port – NTP port (range from 0 to 65535), optional, usually 123)
Linia 409: Linia 408:
   | Sets the network search mode
   | Sets the network search mode
<mode> - <b>AUTO</b> or <b>2G</b> or <b>3G</b> or <b>4G</b> sets the search mode to auto, 2G (GSM) only, 3G (WCDMA) only or 4G (LTE) only
<mode> - <b>AUTO</b> or <b>2G</b> or <b>3G</b> or <b>4G</b> sets the search mode to auto, 2G (GSM) only, 3G (WCDMA) only or 4G (LTE) only
Linia 456: Linia 455:
   | <b>CONFIG SET WATCHDOG PING SERVER <en> <addr> <timeout> <ping_num><CR><LF></b>
   | <b>CONFIG SET WATCHDOG PING SERVER <en> <addr> <timeout> <ping_num><CR><LF></b>
   | Sets options for pinging external server, where:
   | Sets options for pinging external server, where:<br>
<en> - enable (0 or 1), <addr> - address (max. 32 chars), <timeout> - timeout in seconds 1-255 (optional), <ping_num> - number of ping repetitions 1-10 (optional)
<en> - enable (0 or 1), <addr> - address (max. 32 chars), <timeout> - timeout in seconds 1-255 (optional), <ping_num> - number of ping repetitions 1-10 (optional)
Linia 470: Linia 469:
   | Response
   | Response
   | xxxxxxx<CR><LF>
   | xxxxxxx<CR><LF>
<domain or IP> <timeout> <ping_num>
<domain or IP> <timeout> <ping_num>
   | Response example
   | Response example
or<br> 20 4 20 4

Wersja z 12:21, 25 maj 2023

This page contains the list of text commands supported by {{{model}}} {{{type}}} and its description.

All below commands are available from 3.0.x modem firmware version. They can be send over USB, SMS or Teleorigin Manager.

Special characters: <EXT> - End of Text 0x03 character <CR> - Carriege Return 0x0D character <LF> - Line Feed 0x0A character

NOTE: <CR><LF> characters can be omitted when the command is sent via SMS and Teleorigin Manager („Console” tab).

Device commands

RB900SG Commands
Available since firmware version: 3.0.0
RB900SG GET FW VERSION<CR><LF> Downloads the firmware version number of the microcontroller
Response x.x.x<CR><LF>

where x – version number

Response example 3.0.0<CR><LF>
RB900SG GET IP<CR><LF> Retrieves the IP address of the device
Response x.x.x.x<CR><LF>
Response example<CR><LF>
RB900SG GET RTCTIME<CR><LF> Gets device time in Unix time or unless the clock is out of sync then rtc time is equal uptime
Response xxxx<CR><LF>
Response example 868<CR><LF>
RB900SG GET UPTIME<CR><LF> Gets the number of seconds since the device startup
Response xxxx<CR><LF>
Response example 868<CR><LF>
RB900SG RESET<CR><LF> Resets the device
Response -
Response example -
RB900SG TIME<CR><LF> Returns the current time in human-readable version
Response Time: xxxxxxxxxx, mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss<CR><LF>
Response example Time: 1619618224, 11-30-2021 13:57:04 <LF><CR><LF>
RB900SG LOG PRINT<CR><LF> Sends all entries from the event log
Response ------------------------------------------------------

Sep 12:30:05 - x.x.x<CR><LF>
Sep 12:30:08 - SIM ready<CR><LF>
Sep 12:30:09 - Cfg port opened<CR><LF>
Sep 12:30:11 - PDP activated<CR><LF>

Response example ------------------------------------------------------

Sep 12:30:05 - x.x.x<CR><LF>
Sep 12:30:08 - SIM ready<CR><LF>
Sep 12:30:09 - Cfg port opened<CR><LF>
Sep 12:30:11 - PDP activated<CR><LF>
Sep 12:30:12 - IP:
Sep 12:30:14 - Sync to NTP

RB900SG LOG FORMAT<CR><LF> Removes all entries from the event log
Response OK<CR><LF>
Response example As above
RB900SG GET HW VERSION<CR><LF> Downloads the hardware version number of the device
Response x.x.x<CR><LF>

where x – version number

Response example 2.3.1<CR><LF>
RB900SG BATTERY VOLTAGE<CR><LF> Downloads battery voltage in volts
Response X.XX<CR><LF>
Response example 4.08<CR><LF>
RB900SG GET TEMPERATURE<CR><LF> Downloads temperature of the device
Response XX.X *C<CR><LF>
Response example 30.5 *C<CR><LF>

Allowlist commands

Available since firmware version: 3.0.0
Response OK<CR><LF>
Response example As above
Response OK<CR><LF>
Response example As above
PHONE ALLOWLIST STATUS<CR><LF> Returns information whether allowlist is on or off
Response xxxxxxx<CR><LF>
Response example DISABLE<CR><LF>
PHONE ALLOWLIST LIST<CR><LF> Returns a list of numbers added to an allowlist
Response Phone allow list is empty

or xxxxxxxxx +xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx<CR><LF>

Response example Phone allow list is empty

or 123456789 +0012123456789<CR><LF>

PHONE ALLOWLIST ADD <phone_number><CR><LF> Adds a <phone_number> to the allowlist

<phone_number> - phone numer in national or international format
NOTE: it is recomended to add the numer in national and international format separately (without and with the area code)

Response OK<CR><LF>
Response example As above
PHONE ALLOWLIST REMOVE <phone_number><CR><LF> Removes the given <phone_number> from the allowlist

<phone_number> - phone numer in national or international format

Response OK<CR><LF>
Response example As above
PHONE ALLOWLIST CLEAR<CR><LF> Removes all phone numbers from allowlist
Response OK<CR><LF>
Response example As above

Config commands

CONFIG Commands
Available since firmware version: 3.0.0
CONFIG SET APN <apn> <username> <password><CR><LF> Sets <apn>

<apn> - string with Access Point Name
<username> - apn username (optional)
<password> - apn password (optional)

Response OK<CR><LF>
Response example As above
CONFIG GET APN<CR><LF> Returns apn and username (optional) and password (optional)
Response Xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx<CR><LF>
Response examples internet <CR><LF>

or internet username password<CR><LF> Where:
internet is <apn> username is <username> password is <password>

CONFIG SET TCP PORTS <data_port> <config_port><CR><LF> Sets TCP ports (data and config)

<data_port> - TCP data port (range from 0 to 65535) <config_port> - TCP port for remote configuration (range from 0 to 65535)

Response OK<CR><LF>
Response example As above
CONFIG GET TCP PORTS<CR><LF> Returns TCP <data_port> and <config_port> ports
Response xxx xxx<CR><LF>
Response example 703 704<CR><LF>

703 is <data_port> and 704 is <config_port>

CONFIG SET SIM PIN <pin><CR><LF> Sets the PIN code of the SIM card

<pin> - PIN code of the SIM card (range from 0000 to 9999)

Response OK<CR><LF>
Response example As above
CONFIG GET SIM PIN<CR><LF> Returns the PIN code of the SIM card
Response xxxx<CR><LF>
Response example 1111<CR><LF>
CONFIG SET ANTENNA <type><CR><LF> Sets the antenna to external or internal <type>

<type> - type of antenna, options:

Response OK<CR><LF>
Response example As above
CONFIG GET ANTENNA<CR><LF> Returns the antenna type
Response xxxxxxxxx<CR><LF>
Response example EXTERNAL<CR><LF>
CONFIG SET PERIODIC REBOOT Sets the periodic restart time


  • - there will be added also the HH:MM format option (under development)
Response OK<CR><LF>
Response example As above
CONFIG GET PERIODIC REBOOT<CR><LF> Returns periodic restart time and start time in hours
Response x xxxxxxxxxx<CR><LF>*
  • - there will be added also x xx:xx format option (under development)
Response example 1 1619515560<CR><LF>*

1 is

  • - there will be added also 1 10:30 format option (under development)
CONFIG SET UART <configuration><CR><LF> Configures UART

<configuration> - configuration string in the format xxxx abc where xxxx = baudrate, a = start bits, b = parity, c = stop bits

Response OK<CR><LF>
Response example As above
CONFIG GET UART<CR><LF> Returns UART configuration
Response xxxx xxx<CR><LF>
Response example 9600 8N1<CR><LF>

9600 is baudrate
8 is start bits
N is parity
1 is stop bits

CONFIG SET TEXT INFO 1 <CR><LF> Sets text information

- string with additional comment (up to 128 characters)

Response OK<CR><LF>
Response example As above
CONFIG GET TEXT INFO 1<CR><LF> Returns text information
Response Xxxxxx<CR><LF>
Response example Test comment<CR><LF>
CONFIG SET RTC SOURCE <source><CR><LF> Sets the internal clock sync source

<source> - clock source, options:
GSM (time from GSM network)
NTP ntp_addr ntp_port
(time from NTP server, ntp_addr – string with NTP server address, ntp_port – NTP port (range from 0 to 65535), optional, usually 123)

Response OK<CR><LF>
Response example As above
CONFIG GET RTC SOURCE<CR><LF> Returns the internal clock synchronization source
Response xxx<CR><LF>
Response examples GSM<CR><LF>

or NTP 123<CR><LF>

CONFIG SET NETWORK SEARCH MODE <mode><CR><LF> Sets the network search mode

<mode> - AUTO or 2G or 3G or 4G sets the search mode to auto, 2G (GSM) only, 3G (WCDMA) only or 4G (LTE) only

Response OK<CR><LF>
Response example As above
CONFIG GET NETWORK SEARCH MODE<CR><LF> Returns the network search mode
Response xx<CR><LF>
Response example 2G<CR><LF>
CONFIG SAVE<CR><LF> Saves configuration to device memory
Response OK<CR><LF>
Response example As above
CONFIG SET SERIAL TYPE <type><CR><LF> Sets serial port hardware layer type where:

<type> - 232 or 422 or 485

Response OK<CR><LF>
Response example As above
CONFIG GET SERIAL TYPE<CR><LF> Returns serial port hardware layer type
Response XXX<CR><LF>
Response example 232<CR><LF>
CONFIG SET WATCHDOG PING SERVER <en> <addr> <timeout> <ping_num><CR><LF> Sets options for pinging external server, where:

<en> - enable (0 or 1), <addr> - address (max. 32 chars), <timeout> - timeout in seconds 1-255 (optional), <ping_num> - number of ping repetitions 1-10 (optional)

Response OK<CR><LF>
Response example As above
CONFIG GET WATCHDOG PING SERVER<CR><LF> Returns options for pinging external server
Response xxxxxxx<CR><LF>

<domain or IP> <timeout> <ping_num>

Response example DISABLE<CR><LF>

or 20 4

CONFIG RESET<CR><LF> Resets configuration
  • requires CONFIG SAVE and reset of the device (RB900SG RESET) to apply
Response OK<CR><LF>
Response example As above
Available since firmware version: 3.0.3
CONFIG SET VPN <option><CR><LF> Sets VPN on or off where:

<option> - ENABLE or DISABLE

Response OK<CR><LF>
Response example As above
CONFIG GET VPN<CR><LF> Returns VPN status
Response xxxxxxx<CR><LF>
Response example ENABLE<CR><LF>


NOTE: To save new configuration use CONFIG SAVE command and reboot the device using RB900SG RESET or manually reset the device by disconnecting the power supply.

[[Category:{{{model}}} User Manual]]