Szablon: Connectors: Różnice pomiędzy wersjami

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Linia 82: Linia 82:

{{#switch: {{{model}}}
{{#switch: {{{model}}}
     | RB900L3|RB900MC|RB900SG = SMA “ANT” input is used to connect external GSM/LTE antenna. To establish a connection with a GSM/LTE network, an external antenna must be used. Type of antenna depends of GSM/LTE coverage. In good circumstances (level of received signal is high) use antenna contained in the package. If the range of GSM/LTE is low or none, an outdoor or indoor (for instance in place where GSM/LTE range is sufficient) antenna should be used.
     | RB900L3|RB900MC|RB900SG = SMA “ANT” input is used to connect external GSM/LTE antenna. To establish a connection with a GSM/LTE network, an external antenna must be used. Type of antenna depends of GSM/LTE coverage. In good circumstances (level of received signal is high) use antenna contained in the package. If the range of GSM/LTE is low or none, an outdoor or indoor (for instance in place where GSM/LTE range is sufficient) antenna should be used.<br>
'''''Note:''' If there is no antenna connected to SMA connector, the connection with GSM/LTE network is impossible.''
'''''Note:''' If there is no antenna connected to SMA connector, the connection with GSM/LTE network is impossible.''

Wersja z 13:24, 25 maj 2023

This page contains connectors description of {{{model}}} {{{type}}}.

Power supply connector

Antenna connectors

GSM antenna connector


[[Category:{{{model}}} User Manual]]