Szablon: Technicalspecification: Różnice pomiędzy wersjami

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Linia 69: Linia 69:
   | °C
   | °C
   | Storage temperature*
   | Storage temperature
   | {{{temperaturestoragemin}}}
   | {{{temperaturestoragemin}}}

Wersja z 12:48, 28 sie 2023

Mechanical specification

Max. dimensions {{{dimensions}}}
Weight {{{weight}}}
Volume {{{volume}}}

Sketch of the housing


Electrical specification

Power supply


RF specification



The antenna must meet the requirements as in the table below:

Antenna frequency range {{{antennarange}}}
Impedance 50 Ω
DC impedance 0 Ω
Gain 0 dBi w/o cable; 2dBi w/ cable
VSWR (with cable) -10 dB

The antenna chosen for working with the modem should best fit to the circumstances of the environment it is used in. When the modem is placed in a room, or somewhere where the range of networks signal is too low, an outdoor or a specific indoor antenna should be used.

Environmental characteristic

Table below gives the environmental operating conditions of RB900SG terminal.

Parameter Condition Min Max Unit
Ambient operating temperature {{{temperatureoperatingmin}}} {{{temperatureoperatingmax}}} °C
Storage temperature {{{temperaturestoragemin}}} {{{temperaturestoragemax}}} °C
ESD {{{ESD}}} ± 6

± 15
± 1

Humidity humiditymin humiditymax %


Warning! Exceeding the above values may cause permanent damage to the modem.

[[Category:{{{model}}} User Manual]]