Szablon: Web ipsec: Różnice pomiędzy wersjami

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Linia 1: Linia 1:
The <b>IPsec</b> page of {{{model}}} router is used to configure IPsec tunnel.
The <b>IPSec</b> page of {{{model}}} {{{type}}} is used to configure IPSec tunnel.

==Tunnels Configuration==
==Tunnels Configuration==

In <b>Tunnels Configuration</b> part you can add, edit or delete IPsec tunnel. To add new tunnel use Add button.
In <b>Tunnels Configuration</b> part you can add, edit or delete IPSec tunnel. To add new tunnel use Add button.

Linia 89: Linia 89:

==IPsec Configuration==
==IPSec Configuration==

Linia 181: Linia 181:

===Crypto Proposals===
{| class="wikitable"
  ! Name
  ! Value
  ! Description
  | Name
  | string
  | Name of proposal
  | encryption_method
  | aes128, aes192, aes256 or 3des
  | hash_algorithm
  | md5, sha1, sha2 or 3des
  | dh_group
  | modp768, modp1024 or modp2048
  | prf_algorithm
  | prfmd5, prfsha1 or prfsha256

[[Category:{{{model}}} User Manual]]
[[Category:{{{model}}} User Manual]]

Aktualna wersja na dzień 15:12, 26 kwi 2024

The IPSec page of {{{model}}} {{{type}}} is used to configure IPSec tunnel.

Tunnels Configuration

In Tunnels Configuration part you can add, edit or delete IPSec tunnel. To add new tunnel use Add button.

Web vpnipsec.png

Tunnel details

Name Value Description
Local LAN
Remote LAN
Version of IKE to negotiation IKEv2, IKEv1 or IKEv1 + IKEv2. Default: IKEv2

Web vpnipsect.png

Advanced tunnel configuration

Name Value Description
crypto_proposal list List of ESP (phase two) proposals
Local NAT IPv4 in CIDR format NAT range for tunnels with overlapping IP addresses
startaction route, start or none Action on initial configuration load (none, start, route)
updown file Path to script to run on CHILD_SA up/down events
lifetime Maximum duration of the CHILD_SA before closing (defaults to 110% of rekeytime)
rekeytime Duration of the CHILD_SA before rekeying
dpdaction none, clear, hold, restart, trap or start Action done when DPD timeout occurs
closeaction add, route, start, none or trap Action done when CHILD_SA is closed
if_id XFRM interface ID set on input and output interfaces (should be coordinated with “ifid” values in route entries on “xfrm” interfaces
priority integer equal or higher than 0 Priority of the CHILD_SA
ipcomp On/Off, default: Off Enable ipcomp compression
hw_offload On/Off, default: Off Enable H/W offload

Web vpnipseca.png

IPSec Configuration

Web vpnipsecconf.png

Connection details

Name Value Description
Remote VPN endpoint
Authentication method Pre-shared key or X.509. Default: Pre-shared key
Preshared Key

Web vpnipsecconfc.png

Additional settings

Name Value Description
local gateway IP address or FQDN of the tunnel local endpoint
local source ip Virtual IP(s) to request in IKEv2 configuration payloads requests, or in IKEv1 mode config (enables sending them/initiating it instead of quick mode
local ip Local address(es) to use in IKE negotiation when initiating; for responding, enumerates addresses we can negotiate from (and may by subnets or CIDRs)
local id Local identifier for IKE (phase 1)
remote id Remote identifier for IKE (phase 1)
keyingretries Number of retransmissions to attempt during initial negotiation (default 3)
dpd delay Liveness interval for IKE (default 30s)
inactivity Interval before closing an inactive CHILD_SA
fragmentation yes, accept, force or no. Default: yes Use IKE fragmentation
mobike Enable MOBIKE on IKEv2 (default = yes)
rekeytime IKEv2 interval to refresh keying material; also used to compute lifetime
overtime Limit on time to complete rekeying/reauthentication (defaults to 10% of rekeytime)

Web vpnipsecconfa.png

Crypto Proposals

Name Value Description
Name string Name of proposal
encryption_method aes128, aes192, aes256 or 3des
hash_algorithm md5, sha1, sha2 or 3des
dh_group modp768, modp1024 or modp2048
prf_algorithm prfmd5, prfsha1 or prfsha256

Plik:Web vpnipseccrypto.png

[[Category:{{{model}}} User Manual]]