RBMTX-Lite OpenWrt SDK Exmaple: Różnice pomiędzy wersjami

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(Nie pokazano 17 wersji utworzonych przez 3 użytkowników)
Linia 6: Linia 6:

     <li>A PC, laptop or virtual machine running Linux OS (preferably Ubuntu distro)</li>
     <li>A PC, laptop or virtual machine running Linux OS (preferably Debian/Ubuntu distro)</li>
     <li>An SDK intended for your router, which can be downloaded here: <b>[[Software Development Kit]]</b></li>
     <li>An SDK intended for your router, which can be downloaded here: <b>[[Software Development Kit]]</b></li>

#Create directory, where the SDK will be extrated e.g RBMTX_SDK.
#Create a directory where the SDK will be extracted, e.g. RBMTX_SDK.
#Open terminal in created folder and unpack SDK.
#Open a terminal in the folder you created and unzip the SDK.
  tar -xf ~/Downloads/rbmtx3-owrt-sdk-....Linux-x86_64.tar.xz
  tar -xf ~/Downloads/rbmtx3-owrt-sdk-....Linux-x86_64.tar.xz
#<li value="3"> Go to the SDK directory.
#<li value="3"> Go to the SDK directory.
  cd rbmtx3-owrt-sdk-22.10.14-rbmtx3_gcc-8.4.0_musl_eabi.Linux-x86_64/
  cd rbmtx3-owrt-sdk-.....Linux-x86_64/
#<li value="4"> Update the feeds.
#<li value="4"> Update the feeds.
  ./scripts/feeds update -a
  ./scripts/feeds update -a

==Compiling a custom package==
==Compiling a custom package==

In this example we are going to show you how to generate OpenWrt package base on the simple Modbus client and server application.
In this example, we are going to show you how to generate OpenWrt package based on the simple Modbus client and server application.

<li> Install dependency library. In this example it is '''libmodbus''' library. To install library run:  
<li> Install dependency library (in this example, it is '''libmodbus'''). To install library run:  
<pre>./scripts/feeds install libmodbus</pre></li>
<pre>./scripts/feeds install libmodbus</pre></li>

<li> To create custom package, when you are in the SDK directory go to the package directory.
<li> To create your custom package, when you are in the SDK directory go to the package directory.
<pre>cd package</pre></li>
<pre>cd package</pre></li>

<li>Make new directory where the package Makefile should be placed.
<li>Make a new directory where the package Makefile should be placed.
  <pre> mkdir modbus_server
  <pre> mkdir modbus_server
  cd modbus_server</pre></li>
  cd modbus_server</pre></li>

Create the Makfile file to build your custom package. Exmaple Makefile shown below.
Create the Makefile file to build your custom package. Example Makefile is shown below.
* It is important to change all '''modbus_server''' string with your package name.
* It is important to change all '''modbus_server''' strings with your package name.
* In the '''SOURCE_DIR''' section add path to your package sources.
* In the '''SOURCE_DIR''' section add path to your package sources.
* If you use external library it is important to complete the dependency sections e.g:
* If you are using external library, it is important to complete the dependency sections e.g.:
Linia 48: Linia 47:

<li>Now we are ready to select packages and libraries which we want to compile. Go back to the SDK root directory and execute command: <pre> make menuconfig</pre>
<li>Now we are ready to select the packages and libraries which we want to compile. Return to the SDK root directory and execute the command: <pre> make menuconfig</pre>
You should see a view like the one below.

You should see a view like in the picture below.
[[Plik:RBMTX-Lite Menuconfig.png|800px|border|class=tlt-border]]
[[Plik:RBMTX-Lite Menuconfig.png|800px|border|class=tlt-border]]
<li>Then turn off in  '''Global build settings''' option ''' Cryptographically sign package lists'''
<li>Then turn off the ''' Cryptographically sign package lists''' option in  the '''Global build settings'''
[[Plik:Turn_off_cryptograpy.png |800px|border|class=tlt-border]]
[[Plik:Turn_off_cryptograpy.png |800px|border|class=tlt-border]]
<li> Then go to the '''Libraries''' section and make sure the libraries you want to use are checked.
<li> Then go to the '''Libraries''' section and make sure the libraries you want to use are checked.
[[Plik:RBMTX-Lite Libraries.png|800px|border|class=tlt-border]]
[[Plik:RBMTX-Lite Libraries.png|800px|border|class=tlt-border]]
<li>Next go to the section where you ppleaced the package to compliation. The name of section depends on the name that was placed in the '''CATTEGORY:''' option in the package's Makefile. In our case, it is '''Example''' section. Make sure that your castom package is checked.
<li>Next, go to the section where you placed the package to compilation. The name of section depends on the name that was placed in the '''CATEGORY:''' option in the package's Makefile. In our case it is '''Example''' section. Make sure your custom package is checked.
[[Plik:RBMTX-Lite Cutom Package.png|800px|border|class=tlt-border]]
[[Plik:RBMTX-Lite Cutom Package.png|800px|border|class=tlt-border]]
<li>At the end, save all settings - leave the default name of the configuration. </li>
<li>At the end, save all settings - leave the default name of the configuration. </li>
<li>Exit the menuconfig.</li>
<li>Exit the menuconfig.</li>
<li>Now, we are ready to complie our custom package. Type comamnd '''make''' in the terminal and wait for compilation finish.
<li>Now, we are ready to compile our custom package. Type command '''make''' in the terminal and wait for compilation to finish.
You should see the output like in the picture below:
You should see the output like the one below:
[[Plik:RBMTX-Lite Compilation Output.png|800px|border|class=tlt-border]]
[[Plik:RBMTX-Lite Compilation Output.png|800px|border|class=tlt-border]]
<li>Once the compilation process is complete, the package can be found in the '''bin/packages/arm_cortex-a7_neon/base''' directory.
<pre>cd bin/packages/arm_cortex-a7_neon/base</pre>
[[Plik:RBMTX-Lite Packages.png|600px|border|class=tlt-border]]

Aktualna wersja na dzień 15:09, 27 kwi 2023


You will need:

  • A PC, laptop or virtual machine running Linux OS (preferably Debian/Ubuntu distro)
  • An SDK intended for your router, which can be downloaded here: Software Development Kit


  1. Create a directory where the SDK will be extracted, e.g. RBMTX_SDK.
  2. Open a terminal in the folder you created and unzip the SDK.
tar -xf ~/Downloads/rbmtx3-owrt-sdk-....Linux-x86_64.tar.xz
  1. Go to the SDK directory.
cd rbmtx3-owrt-sdk-.....Linux-x86_64/
  1. Update the feeds.
./scripts/feeds update -a

Compiling a custom package

In this example, we are going to show you how to generate OpenWrt package based on the simple Modbus client and server application.

  1. Install dependency library (in this example, it is libmodbus). To install library run:
    ./scripts/feeds install libmodbus
  2. To create your custom package, when you are in the SDK directory go to the package directory.
    cd package
  3. Make a new directory where the package Makefile should be placed.
     mkdir modbus_server
     cd modbus_server
  4. Create the Makefile file to build your custom package. Example Makefile is shown below.
    • It is important to change all modbus_server strings with your package name.
    • In the SOURCE_DIR section add path to your package sources.
    • If you are using external library, it is important to complete the dependency sections e.g.:
    DEPENDS:= +libmodbus
    PKG_BUILD_DEPENDS+= libs/libmodbus


  5. Now we are ready to select the packages and libraries which we want to compile. Return to the SDK root directory and execute the command:
     make menuconfig

    You should see a view like the one below.

    RBMTX-Lite Menuconfig.png

  6. Then turn off the Cryptographically sign package lists option in the Global build settings
    Turn off cryptograpy.png
  7. Then go to the Libraries section and make sure the libraries you want to use are checked.
    RBMTX-Lite Libraries.png
  8. Next, go to the section where you placed the package to compilation. The name of section depends on the name that was placed in the CATEGORY: option in the package's Makefile. In our case it is Example section. Make sure your custom package is checked.
    RBMTX-Lite Cutom Package.png
  9. At the end, save all settings - leave the default name of the configuration.
  10. Exit the menuconfig.
  11. Now, we are ready to compile our custom package. Type command make in the terminal and wait for compilation to finish. You should see the output like the one below:
    RBMTX-Lite Compilation Output.png
  12. Once the compilation process is complete, the package can be found in the bin/packages/arm_cortex-a7_neon/base directory.
    cd bin/packages/arm_cortex-a7_neon/base

    RBMTX-Lite Packages.png