Szablon: Web overview: Różnice pomiędzy wersjami

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(Utworzono nową stronę "The <b>Overview</b> page of {{{model}}} router is used to view the general informations about the status of the router. ==System== In <b>System</b> section you can see all the main system informations about the router. NOTE: The current values are refreshed automatically. {| class="wikitable" |- ! Name ! Value ! Description |- | Hostname | string | Host name |- | Model | string, default: {{{model}}} | The exact model of the device |- | Archit…")
Linia 28: Linia 28:
   | Kernel Version
   | Kernel Version
   | number in a x.x. format
   | number in a format
   | Kernel release used by the router
   | Kernel release used by the router
   | Local Time
   | Local Time
   | Number [sec]. Default: None
   | number [date]
   | Current device time
   | Current device time
   | Uptime
   | Uptime
   | Number [sec]. Default: None
   | number [h:m:s]
   | Time since the devices was powered on  
   | Time since the devices was powered on  
   | Load Average
   | Load Average
   | Number [sec]. Default: None
   | numbers in a x.xx, x.xx, x.xx format
   | CPU load average over the last minute, 5 minutes and 15 minutes. Values in [%]
   | CPU load average over the last minute, 5 minutes and 15 minutes. Values in [%]

Wersja z 13:40, 28 kwi 2022

The Overview page of {{{model}}} router is used to view the general informations about the status of the router.


In System section you can see all the main system informations about the router. NOTE: The current values are refreshed automatically.

Name Value Description
Hostname string Host name
Model string, default: {{{model}}} The exact model of the device
Architecture string System architecture
Firmware Version string Main firmware release version
Kernel Version number in a format Kernel release used by the router
Local Time number [date] Current device time
Uptime number [h:m:s] Time since the devices was powered on
Load Average numbers in a x.xx, x.xx, x.xx format CPU load average over the last minute, 5 minutes and 15 minutes. Values in [%]


The Modem/GSM network section is used to configure the modem settings.



AT Interface

AT Interface tab is used to manage the modem over serial port (RS232 or RS485).


[[Category:{{{model}}} User Manual]]