Szablon: Web systemsystem: Różnice pomiędzy wersjami

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Linia 40: Linia 40:
The <b>Logging</b> tab is used to configure the logging settings.
The <b>Logging</b> tab is used to configure the logging settings.


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Linia 79: Linia 79:
===Time Synchronization===
===Time Synchronization===


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Linia 108: Linia 108:
The <b>Language and Style</b> tab is used to set the platform language and its design
The <b>Language and Style</b> tab is used to set the platform language and its design


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Wersja z 15:00, 19 maj 2022

The System page of {{{model}}} router is used to configure the basic aspects of your device like its hostname or the timezone.

System properties

In System properties section you can set general parameters of the device. It is divided into few tabs:

General Settings

Web systemgeneral.png

Name Value Description
Local Time string in DD.MM.YYY, HH:MM:SS date format Use the button to sync the local time with browser or with NTP-Server. NTP server configuration can be set in the next tab (Time Synchronization)
Hostname string, default: {{{model}}} Host name
Description string Optional, short description of the device
Notes string Optional, free-form notes about the device
Timezone Select the device time zone


The Logging tab is used to configure the logging settings.

Web systemlogging.png

Name Value Description
System log buffer size number, default: 64 Log buffer size in [kB]
External system log server ip Logging server IP address
External system log server port number Logging server port
External system log server protocol UDP or TCP, default: UDP Logging server protocol
Write system log to file path Path to log file
Log output level Debug, Info, Notice, Warning, Error, Critical, Alert or Emergency Type of log (level)
Cron Log Level Debug, Normal or Warning Type of cron log (level)

Time Synchronization

Web systemtime.png

Name Value Description
Enable NTP client On or Off, default: On Activate/Deactivate the NTP client
Provide NTP server On or Off, default: Off Activate/Deactivate the NTP server if client is enabled.
Use DHCP advertised servers On or Off, default: On
NTP server candidates strings, default:,,, NTP time servers domains or IP addresses

Language and Style

The Language and Style tab is used to set the platform language and its design

Web systemlanguage.png

Name Value Description
Language Auto, English or polski (Polish), default: English Web platform language
Design Bootstrap or Teleorigin, default: Teleorigin Web design (style)

[[Category:{{{model}}} User Manual]]