NTS-3000 Acronyms and synchronization terms: Różnice pomiędzy wersjami

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Wersja z 08:46, 19 paź 2023

Accuracy - The degree of conformity of a measured or calculated value to its definition or with respect to a standard reference time. In the meaning of NTP (Network Time Protocol) the accuracy determines how close the PC clock is to UTC reference (GNSS or external atomic clock).

Atomic Time Scale (TA) - a time scale based on atomic or molecular resonance phenomena. Elapsed time is measured by counting cycles of a frequency locked to an atomic or molecular transition. Earlier time scales were based on the rotational rate of the earth.


Calibration - The process of identifying and measuring time or frequency errors, offsets, or deviations of a clock/oscillator relative to an established standard, such as UTC(NIST).

Clock - a device for maintaining and displaying time.

GOMPASS (BEIDOU)– is Chinese satellite navigation system. It consists of two separate satellite constellations – a limited test system that has been operating since 2000, and a full-scale global navigation system that is currently under construction. The first BeiDou system, officially called the BeiDou Satellite Navigation Experimental System.

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) - a coordinated time scale, maintained by the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM), which forms the basis of a coordinated dissemination of standard frequencies and time signals. A UTC clock has the same rate as a Temps Atomique International (TAI) clock or international atomic time clock but differs by an integral number of seconds called leap seconds. The UTC scale is adjusted by the insertion or deletion of leap seconds to ensure approximate agreement with UT1.

Drift (frequency) - the linear (first-order) component of a systematic change in frequency of an oscillator over time.

Frequency - the rate at which a periodic phenomenon occurs over time. Frequency drift - see drift.

Frequency offset - the frequency difference between the measured value and the defined value.

Frequency shift - change in frequency from a standard reference. Frequency stability - statistical estimate of the frequency fluctuations of a signal over a given time interval.

Frequency standard - an oscillator such as a rubidium (Rb), cesium (Cs), or hydrogen (H) maser who’s output is used as a frequency.

GALILEO – is a global navigation satellite system (GNSS) currently being built by the European Union (EU) and European Space Agency (ESA). One of the aims of Galileo is to provide a high-precision positioning system upon which European nations can rely, independently from the GLONASS, US GPS, and Chinese COMPASS (BEIDOU) which can be disabled in times of war or conflict. Galileo is compatible to US GPS (see GPS).

GLONASS – acronym for Globalnaya navigatsionnaya sputnikovaya sistema or Global Navigation Satellite System, is a space-based satellite navigation system. It provides an alternative to Global Positioning System (GPS) and is the only alternative navigational system in operation with global coverage and of comparable precision. Glonass use L1-1575.42MHz with additional frequency margin between 1597.50-1609.50Mhz.

GPS (Global Positioning System) - a highly accurate, global satellite navigation system based on a constellation of at 24 satellites orbiting the earth at a very high altitude 20000 km. GPS signals are: L1-1575.42MHz;L2-1227.6MHz;L3-1381.05 MHz

GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) - a 24 Hour system based on mean solar time plus 12 hours at Greenwich, England. Greenwich Mean Time can be considered approximately equivalent to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), which is broadcast from all standard time and frequency radio stations. However, GMT is now obsolete and has been replaced by UTC.

International Atomic Time (TAI) - an atomic time scale based on data from a worldwide set of atomic clocks. It is the internationally agreed upon time reference conforming to the definition of the second, the fundamental unit of atomic time in the International System of Units (SI). It is defined as the duration of 9 192 631 770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the cesium - 133 atom.

Synchronization - The process of measuring the difference in time of two time scales such as the output signals generated by two clocks. In the context of timing, synchronization means to bring two clocks or data streams into phase so that their difference is 0 (see time scales in synchronism).

Synchronization - Relative adjustment of two frequency sources with the purpose of canceling their frequency difference but not necessarily their phase difference.

Stability (frequency) - statistical estimate of the frequency fluctuations of a signal over a given time interval: Long term stability usually involves measurement averages beyond 100s. Short term stability usually involves measurement averages from a few tenths of a second to 100s.

Stratum - indicates how fare from cesium ref. the clock is in the chain of synchronization.

Time code - a system of symbols (digital or analog) used for identifying specific instants of time. An information format used to convey time information. IRIG-B is example of Time Code.

Time interval - The duration between two instants read on the same time scale.

Time scale - a system of unambiguous ordering of events. A time scale is meant to be stable and homogeneous.

Time standard - a continuously operated device used for the realization of a time scale in accordance with the definition of the second and with an appropriately chosen origin.

Time step - a discontinuity in a time scale at some instant. A step is positive (+) if the time scale reading is increased and negative (-) if the reading is decreased at that instant.

1PPS 1 Pulse Per Second
AIV Assembly, Integration and Validation
CA Bureau International des Poids et Mesures
CCTF Consultative Committee for Time and Frequency
CIF Core Infrastructure Facilities
COTS Commercial Off-the-Shelf
CV Common View
DAB Digital Audio Broadcasting
DEMETRA Demonstrator for EGNSS services based on Time Reference Architecture
DB Database (mostly SQL)
DVB Digital Video Broadcasting
ETH Ethernet
EBU European Broadcast Union
EGNOS European geostationary navigation overlay system
EURAMET European Regional Metrological Organisation
EWR Extended White Rabbit
FO Fibber Optic
GCC Galileo Control Centre
FTP File Transfer Protocol
GDO GPS Disciplined Oscillator
GGTO Galileo GPS Time Offset
GMT Greenwich Mean Time
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System
GPS Global Positioning System
GPST GPS Time Scale
GSA GNSS Supervising Authority
GST Galileo System Time
Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
HO HOLDOVER mode (e.g. operating w/o GNSS)
HW Hardware
IPR Intellectual Property Rights
IRIG-B Time Code (AM or DM)
ITU International Telecom Union
KPI Key Performance Indicator
MCT Modular Coherent Transfer
NMI National Metrological Institutes
NTA National Time Authority (mostly the same as NMI)
NTP Network Time Protocol
OFT Optical Fibber Technology
OSC Oscillators (OCXO, Rubidium, Cs)
PPP Point Precise Positioning
Precise Time Protocol IEEE 1588 (WR –White Rabbit profile of PTP)
QR Quality Report
RINEX Receiver Independent Exchange Format
RMO Regional Metrological Organization
SFN Single Frequency Network
SIS Signal In Space
SPF Service Provision Facility
Satellite Vehicle
Satellite Vehicle Number
SVF Service Validation Facility
SW Software
T&F Time and(&) Frequency
TAI International Atomic Time
TA(PL) Polish Atomic Time
TDMA Time Division Multiple Access
TFL Time and Frequency Laboratory
TLC Time Local Clock (the same as UT)
TMC Time Master Clock (see TSG)
TRF Time Reference Facility (see TMC)
TSA Time Stamping Authority
TSI Time Service Infrastructures
TWSTF Two Way Satellite Time and Frequency Transfer
UT User Terminal (see also TLC)
UTC Universal Time Coordinated
WP Work Package
WR White Rabbit (see PTP)
WPL Work Package Leader