Elproma Smart Manager Release Notes
New features and improvements:
v3.8.5 - 2023-11-02
Added sms notification configuration. Added ability to define a range for reading multiple devices and updates.
Application rebranding.
Fixed: Problem with saving pin in the device. Internal antenna selection for hardware v2.5.2. Sarvice logs downloading.
v3.7.2_beta_v1 - 2023-06-12
Added writing and reading of basic devices on multiple devices. Added update of multiple devices.
v3.6.0 - 2023-02-10 - System features
- Added Help tab and place there buttons to modem and application logs downloading,
- Added LwM2M configuration tab,
- Added ping functionality to Others tab,
- Added support for eSIM settings configuration.
v3.5.1 - Bugfixes
- Fixed problem with accidentally application closing while data loading
v3.5.0 - 2022-10-05 - System features
- TLS v1.2 module support and configuration added,
- Added support and configuration of SNMP module,
- SNMP configuration file generator added,
- TLS key and certificate generator added.
- Improvements
- The modem update procedure has been improved the application waits until the modem sends a message that the firmware has been correctly replaced with the new one.
v3.4.0 - 2022-05-12 - Improvements
- The saving procedure has been improved when changing settings not related to GSM settings, saving takes place immediately when the save button is clicked no modem restart is needed.
v3.3.2 - Bugfixes
- Update problem firmware and hardware version verification
v3.3.1 - 2022-03-08 - Bugfixes
- Update problem message Fail. Invalid version of firmware.
Problem with update start procedure.
v3.3.0 - System features
- Added APN authentication mode: PAP / CHAP / PAP or CHAP,
- Added BTS searching module,
- Added support for 1366x768 screen resolution,
- Added 4800 baud serial speed to baud rate list,
- Added button to settings report generator,
- Update protocol changed.
- Bugfixes
- Corrected modem connection procedure.
v3.2.0 - System features
- Added VPN client configuration.
v3.1.0 - 2021-11-02
- Hardware version update - it is not possible to update the device with firmware with a different hardware version than that saved in the device
- Modem older then v.3.0.0 detection
- Changed serial port communcation from synchronous to asynchronous
- polsih translations
- ping server
v3.0.0 - 2021-10-19
- Return to the home page after disconnecting
- Zip file with password support
- Setting the type of serial
- Reset settings button
- Automatic load of client list
- Automatic load of allow list
- Pin set on sim card without pin
- Pin remove on card with pin
- New group box "Other" with power limit, battery volatge, temperature configuration.
- Mandatory fiels with red border and error tips
- Emergency update
- Hardware revison handling
- Log debug data to file
- Communication module and operation of the TCP module
- Update procedure via serial
- Update procedure via tcp
- Type of update file
- Client list number of paramters
- The way to detect USB ports
- AT commands data store in gui
- Instance guard protection
- Status indicator
- Log download - protection against jamming
- The problem of blocking reading data
Removed allowlist "Save list" button
v2.1.9 - 2021-05-24
- Numeric signal value splited to rssi / dBm
- BG96 connection mode Support
- Connection PUK unlock mode - no need anserw
- Clear methods for all fields
- PingServer struct
- Propertys & methods for ping server
- Propertys & methods for pin / puk unlock
- Security for old firm - app will now when function is not supported yet
- PUK attemps left counter
- CheckBox for clear at disconnect on header bar
- Communication PUK unlock mode - no wait for response
- Files:
CustomCheckBox.qml Others.qml PingServer.qml
- Antena selection to RadioButtons
- QML signal recive to new syntax
- APN fields width
- Serial fields width
- Period reboot text / ToolTip
- TCP data wait timeout
- CheckBox-es - normalize
- Connection to new syntax
- Update progress bad recive at bg96
- Turn off letters & chars in custom uart field
v2.1.5 - 2021-05-04
- Console & Log areas mouse selection
- Realtime log for Console
- Cleaning imsi & iccid fields
- Missing translations
- Main window size
- Password tool tip timeout
- Cutting 12 digit ip
- T-Mobile gsm info display
- Module firm version display on bg96
- Module firmware length
- IP field size
- Progress bar value
- Translations
- Log
- Apn save
v2.1.2 - 2021-04-26
- English language and multi language support
- Read / Write progress bar
- Dialogs with settings r/w error
- GUI lock at settings r/w
- Menu lock for remote log downloading time
- No connected dialog
- Own dialog with buttons
- Reboot ask after save settings
- Warnings before Allowlist clear
- Critical warning erase log on device memory
- Protection for unexpected device disconnect
- Checking module status before getting setting by AT
- Allow list keyboard add & delete support
- Timeout info dialog
- Remote update progress
- Reboot start date
- Main buttons lock before connection
- Remembering last firmware file
- Remembering last opened folder in save log and update open dialog
- Mouse selection in APN & Description fields
- Saving log to file
- Multi language support
- Swap Data bits & Parity combo-s
- Reboot ask dialog
- Files
qmltranslator.qml DataReadProgressBar.qml CustomDialog.qml broadcast.h broadcast.cpp mytcpsocket.h mytcpsocket.cpp qmltranslator.h qmltranslator.cpp tvm2_en_GB.qm tvm2_pl_PL.qm tvm2_en_GB.qm tvm2_pl_PL.qm
- TCP timeout() to timeout(msg)
- ComboBoxs width
- Some gui details
- Header bar rebuild
- Main window size
- GSM / GPRS Field to separate fields
- Group box size and items inside - fields / labels
- Update dir field size
- Signal names for rb900
- sendMsg methods group to sendData
- Changed updateOk and updateFalse signals to update(status)
- Bad font resizing
- Multi opening dialogs
- Freezing connect button after unexpected tcp disconnecting
- Crash after getting empty client list
- TCP log download
- Fields regex-s
- IMSI, ICCID, CSQ value before modem register
- IMEI number length
- To small Allowlist number fields
- TCP reboot problem
Removed files:
- mytcpsocket.h
- mytcpsocket.cpp
v2.0.7 - 2021-04-14
- Log disabling at disconnecting
- RB900 onErr signal
- Connectivity updateAnserwRecivedTimeout signal
- TCP timeout signal
- RTC sync check
- BG96 Support
- TCP timeout() to timeout(msg)
- ComboBoxs width
- Some gui details
- Internal bugs
- AT console, non blocking
- PIN, config / data Port refresh
- Log clear
- Loading empty client list
- TCP update
- Empty pin setting
Removed files:
- RebotInfo.qml,
- TimeInfo.qml,
- HomeForm.ui.qml,
- Item.qml,
- MyComponent.qml,
- GsmModule.qml
- Some compilation warnings
v2.0.4 - 2021-04-07
Init changelog