Szablon: QuickStart

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This page contains instructions on how to get started with {{{model}}} {{{type}}} and how to configure it.

Package contents

Complete package contains:

  • {{{model}}} {{{type}}}


Function RBVND-Lite NB
Industry Standards: MDB/EXE / DEX/DDCMP (EVA DTS) ○ / ●
Audits from Printer, Modem, etc.
FTL over MDB support
Mobile payments
Generating audits for non EVA-DTS machines
Open API
LTE Cat. M1, NB1 & 2G
SD card
External flash 4 MB
Peripheral Port: USB (Host/Device), Ethernet
RS232 interface x 1
TTL level UART (only one 232 RS is available if we use it)
GPIO (counter/pulse/analog/sensors/switches)
2 x MDB/EXE - capture and analyze messages from all MDB peripherals connected to the same line
MDB as master
Accelerometer / Restock button / Buzzer notification / Universal button ○ / ● / ○ / ○
Remote software update (OTA)
Battery - for power down alert






Setting up the {{{type}}}
