Elproma Smart Manager Error reporting

Z Elproma Wiki Knowledge Base
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Modem error reporting

If you found any problems with the application or modem, please send the following information:

1. Basic information about the modem:

  • Screenshot of the main application window.
  • In case of problems with the application, please send the firmware version, hardware version and IMEI number of the modem (this information can be found on the modem label)

2. Error description. Please include the following information:

  • Exact description of the problem.
  • How often does the problem occur?
  • In what situations does the problem occur?
  • A description how to reproduce the error.

3. Upload an event log from the device where the problem occurred.

How do I download the event log?

1. Go to Help tab.
2. Download the logs from your device by clicking the Get modem service log.
3. Indicate where you want to save the log file.

ESM help.png

Application error reporting

When reporting modem errors, please send the following information:

1. Error description. Please include the following information:

  • A detailed description of the problem.
  • How often does the problem occur?
  • In what situations does the problem occur?
  • A description how to reproduce the error.

2. Upload the application event log. The event log can be downloaded by using Get application service log button and then indicating the place where the logs has to be saved. Two files tmLogServiceNew.txt and tmLogServiceLast.txt will be saved.

ESM help.png