Szablon: Web software

Z Elproma Wiki Knowledge Base
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The Software page of {{{model}}} router is used to check, install and update additional software packages. Here is also the info about available space in the device memory. You can filter the packages by name, download and install the package by providing its name or from the URL. There is also an option to refresh the packages list, upload the package from file and configure OPKG.

The list is divided into three types: available, installed and packages ready for updating.

Web systemsoftware.png

Package update from the server

To update the package from server: - Use Update lists... button to check if any package is available for upgrade.

Web systemsoftwareupdate1.png

- Go to Updates tab and check if the package appears on the list

Web systemsoftwareupdate2.png

- Use ' button and wait for updating.

Web systemsoftwareupdate3.png

[[Category:{{{model}}} User Manual]]