RBMTX-Lite OpenWrt SDK Exmaple
Z Elproma Wiki Knowledge Base
You will need:
- A PC, laptop or virtual machine running Linux OS (preferably Ubuntu distro)
- An SDK intended for your router, which can be downloaded here: Software Development Kit
- Create directory, where the SDK will be extrated e.g RBMTX_SDK.
- Open terminal in created folder and unpack SDK.
tar -xf ~/Downloads/rbmtx3-owrt-sdk-....Linux-x86_64.tar.xz
- Go to the SDK directory.
cd rbmtx3-owrt-sdk-22.10.14-rbmtx3_gcc-8.4.0_musl_eabi.Linux-x86_64/
- Update the feeds.
./scripts/feeds update -a
Compiling a custom package
In this example we are going to show you how to generate OpenWrt package base on the simple Modbus client and server application.
- Install dependency library. In this example it is libmodbus library. To install library run:
./scripts/feeds install libmodbus
- To create custom package, when you are in the SDK directory go to the package directory.
cd package
- Make new directory where the package Makefile should be placed.
mkdir modbus_server cd modbus_server
Create the Makfile file to build your custom package. Exmaple Makefile shown below.
- It is important to change all modbus_server string with your package name.
- In the SOURCE_DIR section add path to your package sources.
- If you use external library it is important to complete the dependency sections e.g:
TARGET_LDFLAGS=-lmodbus DEPENDS:= +libmodbus PKG_BUILD_DEPENDS+= libs/libmodbus
- Now we are ready to select packages and libraries which we want to compile. Go back to the SDK root directory and execute command:
make menuconfig
You should see a view like in the picture below.