RB900L3 LEDs operation
Z Elproma Wiki Knowledge Base
Wersja z dnia 08:34, 28 kwi 2023 autorstwa Elproma (dyskusja | edycje) (Utworzono nową stronę "{{Template: Leds | model = RB900L3 | type = Modem }}")
Modem has {{{led_number}}} LEDs that indicate its operation. The description of the LEDs is presented in the table below.
LED | Color | Description |
DATA | Blue | Software controlled using AT commands: AT#GPIO=6,1,1 – LED ON, AT#GPIO=6,0,1 – LED OFF |
GSM | Orange | Software controlled using AT#GPIO=8 and AT#SLED: Blinking every second – modem is not logged on to GSM network |
PWR | Green | Lights when modem is turned on |