NTS-pico3 Troubleshooting

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To troubleshoot NTS-pico3 you need first to log into device console using serial cable or SSH.

How to check if PTP is working?

From NTS-pico3 console you can check if ptp process is running. If everything is fine, you shall get 1 in return:


If there is no ptp process you will get 0 (make sure, that you have enabled PTP in web panel):


How to check if NTS-pico3 sends PTP messages?

To check if NTS-pico3 is actually sending PTP IEEE1588 messages over your LAN network you use tcpdump utility and see if PTP frames are going out of device:

1) PTP L2 (Ethernet)

  • To see only PTP (0x88F7) Ethernet packets:


2) PTP L4 (UDP)

  • To capture PTP UDP transmission we need to dump tcp packets going to ports 319 and 320:


[[Category:{{{model}}} User Manual]]