RB900SG QuickStart

Z Elproma Wiki Knowledge Base
Wersja z dnia 13:49, 22 maj 2023 autorstwa Elproma (dyskusja | edycje) (Utworzono nową stronę "{{Template: QuickStart | model = RB900SSG | type = terminal | ant_marking = "ANT" | power_adapter = 1 | power_source = adapter | variants = 1 | wireless = 1 }}")

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This page contains instructions on how to get started with RB900SSG terminal and how to configure it.

Package contents

Complete package contains:

  • RB900SSG terminal

Plik:RB900SSG package.png


List below shows typical configuration and different variants of the RB900SSG terminal.



Plik:RB900SSG front.png


Plik:RB900SSG back.png

Setting up the terminal

Inserting SIM cards

Plik:RB900SSG sim1.png

  • Place the SIM card in the holder as shown in the picture.

Plik:RB900SSG sim2.png


  • Connect GSM/LTE antenna to SMA connector marked as "ANT"
  • Connect power adapter into power supply connector