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Wersja z dnia 11:48, 11 kwi 2024 autorstwa Elproma (dyskusja | edycje) (Utworzono nową stronę "{{Template: Product | model = RB900SG=ElpOS | www = https://www.elpromaelectronics.com/product/rb900sg-elpos-e/ | category = Telemetry | photo = rb900sg-elpos.png | photo_link = Special:Redirect/file/rb900sg-elpos.png | size = 300px | description = based on OpenWrt Linux is the powerfull solution for wireless M2M applications. The ElpOS allows flexible software customization like industrial protocol convertering: Modbus, transaprent…")
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RB900SG=ElpOS based on OpenWrt Linux is the powerfull solution for wireless M2M applications. The ElpOS allows flexible software customization like industrial protocol convertering: Modbus, transaprent mode (data to server), MQTT gateway or any other special customer solutions.

The RB900SG-ElpOS works with Supervision Control and Data Aquisition systems (SCADA) as well with the remote managements systems. Combined with industrial-grade Elproma Device Management System (EDMS) creates an end-to-end solution for global deployment management applications.

The RB900SG-ElpOS on OpenWrt Linux is based on the high quality module and offers LTE Cat. 4 (with a fallback to 3G and 2G) features in a compact plastic housing with RS232/RS485/RS422 interfaces.

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