RB900SG LEDs operation

Z Elproma Wiki Knowledge Base
Wersja z dnia 10:41, 23 maj 2023 autorstwa Elproma (dyskusja | edycje) (Utworzono nową stronę "{{Template: Leds | model = RB900SG | type = Modem | led_number = five }}")

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Modem has five LEDs that indicate its operation. The description of the LEDs is presented in the table below.

LED name Color Description
POWER red Lights when modem is power on
NET TYPE green - off: no network,

- 1 blink: 2G network,
- 2 blinks: 3G network,
- 3 blinks: 4G network.

SIGNAL green - off: CSQ < 6 or device not registerd to the network,

- 1 blink: CSQ >= 6 and CSQ < 16,
- 2 blinks: CSQ >= 16 and CSQ < 25,
- 3 blinks: CSQ >= 25.

CONNECTION green - off: tcp server off,

- 1 blink: tcp server on, no client connected,
- 2 blinks: tcp server on and client connected to the server.

NET STATUS green - on: voice calling

- 125ms on, 125ms off: data transfer is ongoing
- 1800ms on, 200ms off: idle
- 200ms on, 1800ms off: network searching
- off: gsm off

RB900SG LEDs.png