Elproma Smart Manager TLS

Z Elproma Wiki Knowledge Base
Wersja z dnia 14:56, 4 lip 2023 autorstwa Elproma (dyskusja | edycje) (Utworzono nową stronę "In the TLS window it is possible to configure the TLS communication mode of the modem. The modem in the network acts as the TLS server and the Teleorigin Manager app lication as the client. In this window it is possible to upload keys and certificates for both server and client. 800px ==TLS client== The Teleorigin Manager application acts as a client. In order to establish a connection between the modem and the application, it is necessary t…")

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In the TLS window it is possible to configure the TLS communication mode of the modem. The modem in the network acts as the TLS server and the Teleorigin Manager app lication as the client. In this window it is possible to upload keys and certificates for both server and client.

ESM tls.png

TLS client

The Teleorigin Manager application acts as a client. In order to establish a connection between the modem and the application, it is necessary to load the key and certificate of the client and the certificate of the authorization center into the applicatio n. Required files: • client_key.pem • client_cert.pem • rootca_cert.pem Note: The file names of the keys and certificates must match those shown above, otherwise the files will not be loaded correctly into the application.

Plik:ESM tlsclient.png

How to run the TLS client in the application? 1. In order to run it is necessary to prepare the files desc ribed in the section "Required files." The files can be generated using the simple generator described in subsection 14.3 or using your own configuration tools(the only requirement is that the file names are consistent). 2. In the next step, you need to l oad the keys and certificates into the application. To do this, click the "Load files" button, which results in the opening of the file selection window. The files should be loaded all at once by multiple selection (to do this, hold down the CTRL key and se lect the necessary files).

ESM tlsclient2.png

3. Successful loading of the files into the application results in the status of the authentication files changing to 'Loaded'. 4. In the final step, in order to enable the TLS module in the application, it is necessary to tick the "TLS v1.2" checkbox in the toolbar space.

ESM tlsclient3.png