Elproma Smart Manager Others
PIN change
Here you can change the PIN code of the SIM card. You need to provide the current PIN code and new PIN.
NOTE: The operation is not recommended for a remote connection as changing the PIN will result in loss of connection.
In this window, we can check the connection of the modem to the Internet. When we enter the host address and then click the Ping button, we can check whether the modem is connected to the entered host.
1. In order to run the VPN function, you must first load the configuration files compatible with OpenVPN. The Load files button is used for this. After selecting the button, a window will be displayed, in which the required files should be loaded. It is necessary to provide all configuration files, and the main configuration file must have the name connect.config. It is recommended to enter all files at once with multiple selection.
2. Then you need to turn on the VP N function using the On/Off button. In order to save the settings and start the VPN, it is necessary to reset the device. If the device is not reset immediately, the settings will be entered at the next modem restart.
3. After restarting the device, it is necessary to reconnect using the application and go to the Other tab. Waiting… is displayed in the IP field until the IP address is obtained. If the IP address is obtained successfully, the IP field label will be refreshed automatically.
Buttons description: • On/Off turns on/off device VPN module in depend on current device state. The VPN module could only be enabled after the configuration file was loaded. • Load config file s load one or more configuration files. It is necessary to load all configuration files at the same time. Correct loading of the files results in a change the Status config label to Loaded. • Delete config files delete VPN configuration files form device. To deleting files, it is necessary to turn off VPN module.