Szablon: Web realtimegraphs
The Realtime Graphsw page of {{{model}}} router is used to view the CPU load, inbound and outbound traffic and network connactions graphs in real time.
The Load section shows a graph of avarage CPU load from last 3 minutes in 3 seconds intervals. The charts come in three colors: red (1 minute), orange (5 minutes) and yellow (15 minutes) average load.
The Traffic section shows a graph of average inbound and outbound traffic from last 3 minutes in 3 seconds intervals. The charts come in two colors: blue (inbound traffic) and green (outbound traffic). You can switch between br-lan, eth0 and wwan0 interfaces where average and peak traffic values are shown.
The Connections section shows a graph of avarage CPU load from last 3 minutes in 3 seconds intervals. The charts come in three colors: red (1 minute), orange (5 minutes) and yellow (15 minutes) average load.
[[Category:{{{model}}} User Manual]]