Szablon: Web banip

Z Elproma Wiki Knowledge Base
Wersja z dnia 13:35, 26 maj 2022 autorstwa Elproma (dyskusja | edycje) (Utworzono nową stronę "The <b>banIP</b> page of {{{model}}} router is used to configure banIP package to block ip addresses/subnets via IPSet. ==Overview== ===Information=== banIP package details can be found in <b>Information</b> section. You can refresh timer, suspend, refresh or restart the package using the corresponding buttons. 800px|border|class=tlt-border In <b>Services</b> part user can manage the DDNS services providers. {| class="wikitable"…")

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The banIP page of {{{model}}} router is used to configure banIP package to block ip addresses/subnets via IPSet.



banIP package details can be found in Information section. You can refresh timer, suspend, refresh or restart the package using the corresponding buttons.

Plik:Web servicesbanip.png

In Services part user can manage the DDNS services providers.

Name Value Description
Status / Version Package status and version
IPSet Information
Active Sources
Active Devices
Active Interfaces
Active Logterms
Active Subnets
Run Information
Run Flags
Last Run

IPSet Report

This tab shows the last generated IPSet Report. Press the 'Refresh' button to get a current one. To Search the active banIP-related IPSets for a specific IP, CIDR or MAC address press IPSet Querry button.

Name Value Description
Number of all IPSets
Number of all entries
Number of IP entries
Number of CIDR entries
Number of MAC entries
Number of accessed entries

Edit Blacklist

Edit Whitelist

Edit Maclist

Log View

[[Category:{{{model}}} User Manual]]