Szablon: Web interfaces

Z Elproma Wiki Knowledge Base
Wersja z dnia 15:22, 2 cze 2022 autorstwa Elproma (dyskusja | edycje) (Utworzono nową stronę "The <b>Interfaces</b> page of {{{model}}} router is used to manage the device interfaces e.g. DHCP, GSM or LAN interface. ==Interfaces== DHCP, GSM and LAN interfaces are activated by default. To restart, stop, edit or delete the interface use the buttons on the right of the interface. If the interface is active/inactive, the background of its name is green/red. The table below contains information about the interface parameters. {| class="wikitable" |- ! Name…")

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The Interfaces page of {{{model}}} router is used to manage the device interfaces e.g. DHCP, GSM or LAN interface.


DHCP, GSM and LAN interfaces are activated by default. To restart, stop, edit or delete the interface use the buttons on the right of the interface.

If the interface is active/inactive, the background of its name is green/red. The table below contains information about the interface parameters.

Name Description
Protocol Type of interface protocol
Uptime Working time
MAC MAC address
RX Amount of data received
TX Amount of data sent
IPv4 IPv4 address
IPv6 IPv6 address

Use the Add new instance... button at the bottom of the list to add the interface.

Web networkinterfaces.png


To configure the interface devices choose the Devices section.

Web networkinterfacesdevices.png

Adding/configuring the device depends on the device type.

=General device options

Name Value Description
Device type Network device, Bridge device, VLAN 802.1q, VLAN 802.1ad, MAC VLAN or Virtual Ethernet
Base device br-lan, eth0 or wwan0, default: br-lan
Mode VEPA (Virtual Ethernet Port Aggregator), Private (Prevent communication between MAC VLANs), Bridge (Support direct communication between MAC VLANs) or Pass-through (Mirror physical device to single MAC VLAN), default: VEPA (Virtual Ethernet Port Aggregator)
VLAN ID number from 1 to 4094
Device name string
Bridge ports eth0 and/or wwan0 Specifies the wired ports to attach to this bridge. In order to attach wireless networks, choose the associated interface as network in the wireless settings.
Bring up empty bridge On/Off, default: Off Bring up the bridge interface even if no ports are attached
Existing device eth0, wwan0 or custom, default: eth0
MTU number from 576 to 9200, default: 1500
MAC address
TX queue length number, default: 1000
Enable IPv6 On/Off, default: On
IPv6 MTU number, default: 1500
DAD transmits Amount of Duplicate Address Detection probes to send

Web networkinterfacesdevicesgeneral.png

=Advanced device options

Name Value Description

Web networkinterfacesdevicesadvanced.png

=Bridge VLAN filtering

Name Value Description

Web networkinterfacesdevicesbridge.png

[[Category:{{{model}}} User Manual]]