Szablon: Web networkfirewall

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Wersja z dnia 13:51, 7 cze 2022 autorstwa Elproma (dyskusja | edycje) (Utworzono nową stronę "The <b>Firewall</b> page of {{{model}}} router is used to creates zones over your network interfaces to control network traffic flow. ==General Settings== {| class="wikitable" |- ! Name ! Value ! Description |- | Enable SYN-flood protection | On/Off, default: On | |- | Drop invalid packets | On/Off, default: Off | |- | Input | reject, drop or accept, default: accept | |- | Output | reject, drop or accept, default: accept | |- |…")

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The Firewall page of {{{model}}} router is used to creates zones over your network interfaces to control network traffic flow.

General Settings

Name Value Description
Enable SYN-flood protection On/Off, default: On
Drop invalid packets On/Off, default: Off
Input reject, drop or accept, default: accept
Output reject, drop or accept, default: accept
Forward reject, drop or accept, default: accept

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Routing/NAT Offloading

It is an experimental feature. Not fully compatible with QoS/SQM.

Name Value Description
Software flow offloading On/Off, default: Off Software based offloading for routing/NAT
Hardware flow offloading On/Off, default: Off Requires hardware NAT support. Implemented at least for mt7621

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Name Description
Zone ⇒ Forwardings

Use Edit button to edit the zone or Delete to remove it.

General Settings

This section defines common properties of "lan". The input and output options set the default policies for traffic entering and leaving this zone while the forward option describes the policy for forwarded traffic between different networks within the zone. Covered networks specifies which available networks are members of this zone.

Name Value Description
Name string
Input reject, drop or accept, default: accept
Output reject, drop or accept, default: accept
Forward reject, drop or accept, default: accept
Masquerading On/Off, default: Off
MSS clamping On/Off, default: Off
Covered networks dhcp, gsm or lan

The options below control the forwarding policies between this zone (lan) and other zones. Destination zones cover forwarded traffic originating from lan. Source zones match forwarded traffic from other zones targeted at lan. The forwarding rule is unidirectional, e.g. a forward from lan to wan does not imply a permission to forward from wan to lan as well.

Name Value Description
Allow forward to destination zones:
Allow forward from source zones:

Advanced Settings

The options below control the forwarding policies between this zone (lan) and other zones. Destination zones cover forwarded traffic originating from lan. Source zones match forwarded traffic from other zones targeted at lan. The forwarding rule is unidirectional, e.g. a forward from lan to wan does not imply a permission to forward from wan to lan as well.

Name Value Description
Covered devices Use this option to classify zone traffic by raw, non-uci managed network devices.
Covered subnets Use this option to classify zone traffic by source or destination subnet instead of networks or devices.
Restrict to address family IPv4 and IPv6, IPv4 only or IPv6 only, default: IPv4 and IPv6
Restrict Masquerading to given source subnets
Restrict Masquerading to given destination subnets
Enable logging on this zone On/Off, default: Off
Limit log messages

Conntrack Settings

Name Value Description
Allow "invalid" traffic On/Off, default: Off Do not install extra rules to reject forwarded traffic with conntrack state invalid. This may be required for complex asymmetric route setups.
On/Off, default: On Automatically assign conntrack helpers based on traffic protocol and port
Conntrack helpers Explicitly choses allowed connection tracking helpers for zone traffic

Extra iptables arguments

Passing raw iptables arguments to source and destination traffic classification rules allows to match packets based on other criteria than interfaces or subnets. These options should be used with extreme care as invalid values could render the firewall ruleset broken, completely exposing all services.

Name Value Description
Extra source arguments Additional raw iptables arguments to classify zone source traffic, e.g. -p tcp --sport 443 to only match inbound HTTPS traffic.
Extra destination arguments Additional raw iptables arguments to classify zone destination traffic, e.g. -p tcp --dport 443 to only match outbound HTTPS traffic.

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Port Forwards

Port forwarding allows remote computers on the Internet to connect to a specific computer or service within the private LAN.

Name Description
Enable Set to enable the port forwards.

Use Edit or Delete buttons to manage the port forwarding.

General Settings

Name Value Description
Name string
Protocol Any, TCP, UDP, ICMP or/and custom
Source zone
External port Match incoming traffic directed at the given destination port or port range on this host
Destination zone
Internal IP address Redirect matched incoming traffic to the specified internal host
Internal port Redirect matched incoming traffic to the given port on the internal host

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Advanced Settings

Name Value Description
Source MAC address Only match incoming traffic from these MACs.
Source IP address Only match incoming traffic from this IP or range.
Source port number from 0 to 65535 Only match incoming traffic originating from the given source port or port range on the client host
External IP address Only match incoming traffic directed at the given IP address.
Enable NAT Loopback On/Off, default: Off
Loopback source IP Use internal IP address or Use external IP address, default: Use internal IP address Specifies whether to use the external or the internal IP address for reflected traffic.
Match helper Match traffic using the specified connection tracking helper.
Match mark string Matches a specific firewall mark or a range of different marks.
Limit matching Limits traffic matching to the specified rate.
Extra arguments Passes additional arguments to iptables. Use with care!

Traffic Rules

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NAT Rules

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Custom Rules

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[[Category:{{{model}}} User Manual]]