ElpromaTime Root Access Policy Clarification

Z Elproma Wiki Knowledge Base
Wersja z dnia 08:10, 10 kwi 2024 autorstwa Elproma (dyskusja | edycje) (Utworzono nową stronę "In response to inquiries regarding root access to our firmware, we wish to provide clarity on Elprom's system functionality. Our system allows configuration of time synchronization parameters through both the web panel and SSH setup. However, it's important to note that we do not grant access to the root account as part of our user security measures. Maintaining the integrity and stability of device time parameters is paramount. Granting root access poses consider…")
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In response to inquiries regarding root access to our firmware, we wish to provide clarity on Elprom's system functionality. Our system allows configuration of time synchronization parameters through both the web panel and SSH setup. However, it's important to note that we do not grant access to the root account as part of our user security measures.

Maintaining the integrity and stability of device time parameters is paramount. Granting root access poses considerable security risks, as it could lead to the misconfiguration of critical parameters, potentially disrupting server operations and time settings, and ultimately requiring device recalibration.

At Elprom, our primary focus is the security and reliability of our systems. Consequently, we have implemented stringent access controls to prevent inadvertent disruptions to system operations.

We are confident that the methods provided for access through the web panel and SSH setup are comprehensive and secure, enabling users to effectively manage server operations without compromising stability or security.

For further inquiries or clarifications regarding our access policies, please feel free to contact us.