Szablon: Connectors
Z Elproma Wiki Knowledge Base
Wersja z dnia 12:04, 26 paź 2022 autorstwa Elproma (dyskusja | edycje) (Utworzono nową stronę "This page contains connectors description of {{{model}}} {{{type}}}. ==Antenna connector== {{#switch: {{{model}}} | RBVND-Lite = * GSM antenna connector SMA connector placed on back panel of device is used to connect external GSM/LTE antenna for {{{model}}}. To establish a connection with the network an external antenna must be used. Type of antenna depends on network coverage. In good circumstances (level of received signal is high) use antenna which is in…")
This page contains connectors description of {{{model}}} {{{type}}}.
Antenna connector
{{#switch: {{{model}}}
| RBVND-Lite = ===Connection with vending machine===
The type of cable that should be used to connect the modem to the machine depends on the machine communication protocol. There are two types of cables:
- Cable for machine with MDB protocol and RS232 DEX(DDCMP) connection to EVA-DTS
- Cable for machine with DEX protocol on Jack to EVA-DTS